40Plus of Greater Washington presents: "The 9 Steps to Realizing Your Dream Job" Dream Jobbers experience freedom (to go as they please), finances (to earn as they wish), and fulfillment (to live as they like). Join Ellen McIlhenny as she takes you through the nine steps to realizing...

40Plus of Greater Washington presents: "The Vision Workshop: 3 Keys to Accelerating Your Results" • Do you want to experience more prosperity and balance in your life? • Are you pouring your heart and soul into your work and still not getting the results you want? • Would you...

40Plus of Greater Washington presents: "Using Simple Coaching Techniques to Succeed in Work and Life" Understanding how to empower yourself and others to make effective decisions and breakthrough barriers in thought and action can help you in all your relationships: colleagues, friends, family. In this workshop, you...

Sidecar and Twomentor present: "Down, but Not Out: Flash Mentoring to Build Your Resiliency" About this workshop Join Sidecar and Twomentor for a flash mentoring session meant to help each participant expand their network while learning from each other. Twomentor’s unique, well-respected and engaging approach accelerates leaders of...

Lorne Epstein presents: "February 11th Uncovering Your Unconscious Bias - Public Workshop" Lorne Epstein will lead an experiential workshop that will help you uncover your unconscious bias. You will earn 1.5 HRCI or SHRM Credits. About this Event Earn 1.5 HRCI or SHRM credits You have heard about Unconscious Bias,...

Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce presents: "Business Education Series: Communicating In Style! Maximizing Business Engagements" In this interactive session we will share some tips to help make the most of our virtual networking meetings, recognize the needs of some of our networking partners, and learn a few...

Association of Women In International Trade (WIIT) presents: "Crafting an Effective Strategic Communications Plan" Moderated by Andrea Durkin, WIIT President Kathy Gest will provide training in how public opinions are formed and influenced, and she will discuss key elements in your strategic communications plan: situation analysis, goals, audience...

Women In International Trade (WIIT) presents: “Find Your Fierce”: Interrupt Imposter Syndrome and Own Your Success “Imposter Syndrome,” simply stated, is a feeling that you don’t belong in the role you’re in - a feeling over 70% of all people feel at some point in their careers,...

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM   Please join the Washington Network Group when we meet with Rebecca Cassidy, founder and director of Seva Yoga, who will discuss with us "Leading from Within: Using Mindfulness to Become a Better Leader." [caption id="attachment_4349" align="aligncenter" width="222"]Rebecca Cassidy[/caption] Think of...

40Plus of Greater Washington presents: "The Best Responses to the Toughest Interview Questions" Interviews are high-pressure situations. Many individuals approach them with trepidation. What are some of the most difficult interview questions potential employers ask? Cheryl Hyatt of Hyatt-Fennell Executive Search will not only overview some of...