Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) presents: "WWPR Holiday Party" Join WWPR as we celebrate 2019 and look forward to the new year. Heavy snacks and drinks are included with your ticket. The more the merrier - bring your significant other or friends! ...

Professional Women in Advocacy (PWIA) presents: "2019 Professional Women in Advocacy Conference" In partnership with Women in Government Relations (WGR) When women have a seat at the public policy table, everyone benefits. Learn more at www.womeninadvocacy.com The theme for this year’s conference is Breakthrough Advocacy. Last year we elected...

Washington Women's Leadership Initiative (WWLI) presents: "WWLI Networking Luncheon: Life Lessons in Leadership" Join us for a networking luncheon featuring Deputy Director of CIA for Science and Technology Dawn Meyerriecks! Join WWLI for a Networking Luncheon and presentation ‘Life Lessons in Leadership’ featuring Deputy Director of CIA for...

Association of Women in International Trade (WIIT) presents: "WIIT and WIIT Trust Holiday Reception and Silent Auction" Hosted at the Embassy of Singapore, Washington, D.C. Register NOW for the Association of Women in International Trade (WIIT) and the WIIT Charitable Trust Annual Holiday Reception and Silent Auction on...

AMADC presents: "Women Leaders Talking About Women’s Leadership" It’s almost 2020, and although more women are likely to enter marketing as a career, men still dominate senior marketing jobs. Why is this? Is it because women are still finding their voice? Is men’s confidence winning over women’s...

Rockville Chamber of Commerce and Intelligent Office present: "Leadercast Women - Take Courage" Courage is not the absence of fear; it’s acting in spite of fear. When we consider courage, firefighters, policemen, pilots and military personnel come to mind. But courage isn’t reserved for a select group of...

Women In Technology (WIT) presents: "WIT.Connect: Data Science + Social Media: Win the Battle for Relevance" Companies have access to more data than ever, but how can that be translated into relevant insights across the generations? Social media and digital gurus advise attendees on how to turn...