40Plus of Greater Washington presents: "From Pandemic to Prosperity: Finding YOUR Perfect Franchise!" Over the course of the pandemic, executives who've lost their jobs, or are afraid of getting laid off, are exploring buying a franchise as a viable alternative to the corporate rat race. Many...

40Plus of Greater Washington presents: "How to Start a Business with SBA and SCORE" In this presentation, you will learn: -The SBA has many free resources to help you create and build your business -Experienced and successful mentors are available to help you troubleshoot and overcome challenges -How to access...

Buck Communications presents: "Is Your Mission Turning Donors Off?" 3 steps to inspire your prospects to open up their ears, eyes, and wallets Learn why storytelling is a critical skill for growing your organization and fulfilling your mission, where stories fit in your strategy, and insider tips to...

Maryland Nonprofits presents: "Hybrid Events: Key Considerations for Planning" In 2021, as we approach the other side of the pandemic, event organizers are increasingly moving their virtual events to a “hybrid” model. Still others have decided to remain virtual through at least 2021.What factors play into...

40Plus of Greater Washington presents: "The Path of Entrepreneurship" Explore your entrepreneurial side as Dhru Beeharilal discusses the path of entrepreneurship. This will be a practical look into the world of starting your own business, whatever that might be. Dhru will discuss questions like: Why is Now a...

Bold Type presents: "Community Workshop: All About Your Audience" Your writing works better when you know exactly who your reader is and what you want them to do. Whether you hope your reader will like a post, buy a product, or just answer your email about which...

PRSA-NCC presents: "Workshop: Data-Driven PR Metrics" Most communications and public relations professionals are sitting on a wealth of data that they are unaware of how to leverage. The experts at ParsonsTKO are partnering with PRSA NCC to bring you a two-part workshop that will teach you how...

The Mather Group presents: "Top 5 Ways to Manage Your Online Reputation & Search Results" Ever wondered what you can do to influence your organization's online reputation and what you can do about it? DURING THIS FREE WEBINAR YOU WILL LEARN: • Breakdown SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) and why...

Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) presents: "Become a Podcast Pro: Learn How to Launch and Manage a Podcast to Further Your Communications Goals" Did you know there are over 43 million podcast episodes available at your fingertips right now? As a communications platform, podcasts provide tremendous...