Washington DC Chapter of SCORE and Arlington Economic Development (AED) present: "weTHRIVE Women Entrepreneurs' Conference" A full day event featuring keynote speakers, panel discussions and educational breakout sessions About this Event weTHRIVE Women Entrepreneurs' Conference, a full day event featuring keynote speakers, panel discussions and educational breakout sessions. The...

Capital City Cooperative (CapCityCoop) presents: "Cultivating Community & Leveraging Resources Workshop" About The Event Join us for our inaugural workshop to kick off 2019! Our Cultivating Community & Leveraging Resource Workshop will focus on making impactful partnerships, the importance of community, and resources available through DC's 202Creates creative...

Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) presents: "WWPR Annual Meeting" This event also serves as the opportunity for members to vote in the 2019 WWPR board slate, hear from an industry-leader speaker and witness the formal induction. Join us to meet the new board of directors! We're pleased...

The Association of Women in International Trade (WIIT) invites you to a discussion on women’s economic engagement and empowerment. As women’s full participation in global society progresses in fits and starts, economic engagement has become a topic and "economic empowerment" a buzzword. What actually matters...

JP Events & Consulting presents: "10th Annual Virginia Women's Business Conference" The one day event for visionary women who want to discover the tools for success, make strategic business connections and leave feeling empowered and inspired to take action. JP Events & Consulting is proud to present the...