Job Posting TOS

Job Posting Terms Of Service (TOS)

The following terms-of-service apply to all Job Postings distributed through the WNG website and listserv:

• Job postings are limited to current job opportunities. We do not post announcements for persons seeking employment.

• Job positions ought to be related to business, finance, foreign and government affairs. Typical postings are for opportunities in corporate offices, law, consulting, public relations, marketing communications, information technology and telecommunications firms, trade associations, think tanks, multilateral institutions, government agencies, the Congress, foreign embassies, and the media.

• Job postings should follow the format provided on the Submit a Job Posting form.

• WNG reserves the right to edit or reject without notification any submission it views as inappropriate or unacceptable for any reason.

• WNG may discontinue this service at any time without prior notification.

• WNG assumes no liability for the improper use of information submitted by third-parties.

• WNG may modify this terms-of-service at any time without prior notification at its sole discretion.

• WNG's listing of a Job Posting announcement does not constitute an endorsement of the position, person, or organization posting the announcement.
