Meghan Dotter

Meghan Dotter

Principal and Founder
Portico PR
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Phone: 703-534-8631

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WNG Workshop Presenter: "Help for the Reluctant Presenter"
WNG Workshop Presenter: "Life's Too Short for a Bad PPT Presentation"

Meghan Dotter opened Portico PR to help companies improve presentations, meetings and the behaviors around them. Portico PR offers on-site workshops to help organizations develop better presentations in less time, focusing on content, design and delivery. Meghan has built her career around helping people simplify and convey their messages. Her experience includes both Public Relations agency (New York and Washington, D.C.), and in-house roles, leading external communications for a global Fortune 200 power company. Indeed, she was nicknamed the "engineer whisperer" for helping the super-smart convey their ideas in a way that the rest of us can understand. She is a Emeritus Member of the WNG Board of Advisors.

Learn more at: / @PorticoPR / @MeghanDotter